Friday 27 September 2024

Greens maintenance


We have been out using our sand injection machine to inject 2 tons of sand into each green, we do this to help dilute thatch and improve air & water movement without too much surface disturbance, this is a very slow process so at present we are choosing certain greens so not to interfere with play, but will be looking at trying to complete all the Craighead course greens going into the winter period 

sand injected down to 125mm into the profile 

We are now starting to cut down our deep  rough areas on the Craighead course then leaving for a few days then cutting and collecting the clippings to help thin these areas out, which should help playability next season and a better environment for nesting birds 
When possible we have been brushing fairways to help disperse the dew and get a better quality cut on our fairways 
We have now completed deep scarifying our Craighead course tees to rip out thatch 
With the dry spell we are having we have needed to apply a little water at nights to help keep the moisture levels where we want them 
This week was our Balcomie course greens aeration planned works to improve the greens and relieve compaction, reduce thatch levels and aid in drainage 
All greens were micro-cored, cleaned-up, verti-cut then cut 
The amount of debris taken out from each green 
Then the greens were spiked/seeded 
The spiker makes the hole/pot for the seed to go into and the 2 brushes on the machine helps to brush more seed into the holes, with micro-coring this leaves a hole for the seed to go into also 
seed was brushed again
surface after being top-dressed and brushed 
2 tons of sand was applied to each green to fill the holes and cover the seed 
then a final drag mat to mat everything into the surface, greens will be rolled when possible going forward and hopefully in 2/3 weeks the greens will be fully recovered going into the winter 

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