Monday, 10 April 2017

 Spring fertiliser (5.0.0 +2fe) has been applied to the greens and then watered in

 Repairing a couple of bursts on the irrigation system on the Balcomie course
 Starters hut getting it's annual paint
 We have added more new fencing around the new path at the toilets on the Balcomie course

 10th medal tee on the Balcomie course
 6th tee being cut on the Balcomie course with the 5th hole in the back ground
 we a have started our monthly application of wetting agent and seaweed to the greens which allows water to penetrate and hold into the soil profile
Last week seen our old JD tractor of 14 years being replaced with a new Kubota tractor, hopefully this tractor services us well

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