Tuesday, 24 October 2023

We have been raking and cutting then collecting the grass from our 3.5" roughs to help thin these areas out on the Craighead course 
In the last 3 weeks we have been hit twice with adverse weather and storm Babet 
We have made a start to cutting and collecting deep rough areas on the Craighead course 
The Craighead tees and walkways have been deep solid tined to 175mm to relieve compaction and help air & water movement through the profile 
We have carried out extra aeration work to the Craighead greens this Autumn to help reduce thatch levels, this consisted of mini-coring, verti-cutting, sand injection and heavy top-dressing 
Mini-coring on green 11 and deep solid tining on tees 12 of the Craighead course 
Greens being verti-cut then cut before sand injecting 
Greens being blown and cleaned up 
Sand injection machine, this machine injects over 0.5 tons into the profile per green 

Then the greens were brushed in to help fill in the core holes 
Then another 1 tons of top-dressing sand applied to each green and brush in 
We have now completed deep scarifying all the tees on the Craighead course