Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Greens being hand cut on the Craighead course for the Senior Open 
Spraying liquid fertiliser on the Balcomie course greens 
The Craighead course planned aeration work went well with us Scarifying, mini-coring the greens to rip out thatch from the surfaces 
cores taken out the surface 
The greens were then verti-cut and cut to clean the surfaces up 
Then we spiked and over seeded the greens with Fescue & bent seed to help improve the grass sward 
1.5 tons of sand was applied to each green to cover the seed, fill the core holes and the scarifying lines to help gain a surface for play 
the sand slowly rubbed in then watered in 
A very slow roll to smooth off the surfaces
We are involved with helping the Crail Community partnership, so we were in to the Village preparing an area which will be seeded out to add a source of food for birds and bees etc 
Our weaker fairways on the Balcomie course have been sprayed with a wetting agent & liquid fertiliser to help strengthen them up for the busy season ahead 
Another 1 tons per green of sand was applied to the Craighead course greens to aid recovery from the aeration work 
then rubbed in, rolled then watered in