Wednesday, 22 February 2017

 The Balcomie course greens have been sprayed with a worm irritant to help reduce the worm casts on the playing surfaces
 The surrounding areas of the new toilets are nearly completed
 We are working away from the new toilets along the new pathway
 Ongoing work at new pathway to toilets from the 11th medal tee and access road for the greenkeeping team plus the tanker for emptying the septic tank for the new toilets

 We have applied another top-dressing of sand to the greens and surrounds on the Balcomie course after they were slit tined
 With the Balcomie course closed this week, we took this chance to paint the 14th railway sleeper bunker and any other sleeper areas round the course before the start of the season

 Another job this week was to dig up the walkway to the 1st fairway and replace with turf and rubber matting, this will save any wash outs which used to happen with the material that was used on the path surface

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

 It's the last mid week winter closure for the Craighead course, so we have taken this chance to apply more sand to the greens & surrounds
 The Craighead course tee and walkways have been deep verti-drained to help drainage

 Top soil added then turfing to the surrounding area of the new toilets

Friday, 10 February 2017

 Landscaping at the new toilets on the Balcomie course is slowly coming on but have been held up with the wet weather this week

 one side of the new path from the 11th medal tee is being built
 We have been finishing off cementing etc at the new septic tank for the toilets
 Great week with the wet weather to make a start to rubbing down and painting the Craighead course tee markers and posts for the new toilets

 All the Craighead course green side bunkers have been edged, weeded and sand re shaped for up and coming season
 We have edged, weeded and laid rubber matting at the 11th tee path on the Balcomie course and tee paths at 14 & 16 on the Craighead course
It was an honour to be asked to be the feature in the February Greenkeeping magazine about how we operate at Crail etc

Thursday, 2 February 2017

 Work at the new toilets is ongoing, with the new road being dug out when we have hard frost as it's very muddy because of all the contractors vehicles etc
 New path from the main 11th walkway built and the tee bin and ball washer being re-positioned

 Slabs will be laid round the building to finish it off
 The end of the 11th tee path is being re-turfed and rubber matting laid to help reduce wear and tear
 10th medal tee on the Balcomie course ready for a fertiliser then re-turfed

 11th green side bunker (LHS) on the Balcomie course being rebuilt
The driving range bay dividers have been painted and new yardage distances added to correspond to the yardage posts